It is not about reading a pattern to the dot on letter ‘i’ … For me, crocheting is about research, it is about exercising my little grey cells .. about making an effort to figure things out. The journey itself is the joy, not necessarily about the final piece… Maybe that is why I don’t write patterns so often. But I LOVE patterns!
Toni wrote about this subject on her blog ”Just Dunny (Toni)
Crochet outside of the lines with Toni (Justdunny)” . And her words inspired me to write the above words about patterns. Or ”patterns”. Your choice!
A bit more about one particular design by Toni – the well known Toni’s Mandala.
I had a pleasure to be part of the small group that turned the amazing design by Toni into a pattern that can be used by every beginner. (I will tell you more about the famous CCC – The Creative Crochet Crew some other time).
What a challenge our project was, and what a joy for me, construction engineer …. Thanks to Angela and Oona, the pattern is re-written and detailed, and it can be found (free), on Ravelry, and on Toni’s blog. For the record, Toni’s Mandala is one of the most popular crochet Mandalas.
Here are only a few photos from my journey on The Magic Carpet …
*by now you know how much I love taking photos while I work 😀

If you like the shots behind the scene – this is how I work …. simple – Colors, drawings, paper … so called basic engineering! …. LOL!
*Toni’s notes with instructions for Mandala, and the proven version made by Angela and Onna (I helped in the process, mostly with figuring out some formulas, and with detailed photos) – can also be found on Ravelry